Parodie na jedno z mála témat v kurzu angličtiny, které mi opravdu zlepšilo náladu. O kapitánu-muži, který se vydal na South Pole...
05.12.2017 2 1197(5) 0 |
In the 16th century English people thought they were too many of them on British Islands, so they started to sending explorers to various dangerous missions in unknown remote lands to get rid of them. One of these intrepid explorers was captain Cooker. He and five other male captains set off to see the South Pole and draw a picture of it. During the trek they forgot the original aim and started dreaming about pole dancing there, because they belived South Pole is one of the two greatest world poles and they would become famous, popular and rich if they dance there.
But thinks went wrong. Temperature fell below freezing point, so they drank alcohol to get a warm mood. But their alcohol supplies soon ran off and there was no shop or market in Antarctica. They felt sad and disappointed. When captain Cooker and others came to the South Pole, they found no pole there, so it was impossible to pole dance there. Next day they were caught in the snow storm. One of the other captains said that if they can't pole dance there, they can't reproduce there, and so they can't live there. Then he went out of tent to die to prove his theory. He was the only successful group member, because food supplies ran off and other captains died soon also, but without such great theory. Gentlemen in England were so glad that no one returned from this expedition...
But thinks went wrong. Temperature fell below freezing point, so they drank alcohol to get a warm mood. But their alcohol supplies soon ran off and there was no shop or market in Antarctica. They felt sad and disappointed. When captain Cooker and others came to the South Pole, they found no pole there, so it was impossible to pole dance there. Next day they were caught in the snow storm. One of the other captains said that if they can't pole dance there, they can't reproduce there, and so they can't live there. Then he went out of tent to die to prove his theory. He was the only successful group member, because food supplies ran off and other captains died soon also, but without such great theory. Gentlemen in England were so glad that no one returned from this expedition...
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