akrostich o mé velikosti, abych neřekl maličkosti.
03.03.2012 2 1014(10) 0 |
Devious creature is unleashing it's wrath,
Entering the hellgate, it's never coming back.
Riots around the world are spreading the pain,
Ridiculous changes are nothing but stains.
In hell is the warrior who was once brutally slain,
Coming back to Earth to end the game you live in,
Kings of the universe shall bow down before him.
Entering the hellgate, it's never coming back.
Riots around the world are spreading the pain,
Ridiculous changes are nothing but stains.
In hell is the warrior who was once brutally slain,
Coming back to Earth to end the game you live in,
Kings of the universe shall bow down before him.
03.03.2012 - 22:58
Delicious feelings of endless evil
Energetic poison of neverending wrath
Vanquished all good and gave it only death
Inner him is the core of all the bad
Living demons in him make you feel hopeless and sad
Satan's afraid of him.
Energetic poison of neverending wrath
Vanquished all good and gave it only death
Inner him is the core of all the bad
Living demons in him make you feel hopeless and sad
Satan's afraid of him.
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