04.07.2008 0 1467(7) |
She takes my hand but I don't understand where we're going
are we almost there
are we all
I stumble backwards I trip over past words not knowing
was she really there
was she real
these are the words she tells him, he tells her
I just remembered that my ride is waiting
I take her hand I still don't understand what I'm after
we'll just see what's there
we'll just see
she stumbles backwards
she tripes over my words and laughter
was I really there
was I real
these are the words of the boy of the girl
I just remembered that my ride is waiting
Jason Webley - Viaje
skvela pisnicka.
are we almost there
are we all
I stumble backwards I trip over past words not knowing
was she really there
was she real
these are the words she tells him, he tells her
I just remembered that my ride is waiting
I take her hand I still don't understand what I'm after
we'll just see what's there
we'll just see
she stumbles backwards
she tripes over my words and laughter
was I really there
was I real
these are the words of the boy of the girl
I just remembered that my ride is waiting
Jason Webley - Viaje
skvela pisnicka.
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
viaje : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : Nechat to plynout...
Předchozí deník autora : nekomentovatelný zvratky
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