Moc je nemusím, ale tahle je skvělá, úžasnej text a animované video.
03.05.2008 0 1428(13) |
Skyline - Ladies
waking up is fine, but in the night
it makes me cry, can't catch my life
everything seems right, but deep inside
emptiness lies, naivety dies
and I feel like other ladies
when they guess they have no time
don't wanna watch those stupid movies
I try to change those stereotypes
everyday's the same, I feel so tired
from dusk till dawn, it gets me down
I waste my days as years go by in vain
go out of my mind, leave it behind
it's inside of me
Skyline - Ladies
waking up is fine, but in the night
it makes me cry, can't catch my life
everything seems right, but deep inside
emptiness lies, naivety dies
and I feel like other ladies
when they guess they have no time
don't wanna watch those stupid movies
I try to change those stereotypes
everyday's the same, I feel so tired
from dusk till dawn, it gets me down
I waste my days as years go by in vain
go out of my mind, leave it behind
it's inside of me
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
Skyline Ladies : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : Luv your life
Předchozí deník autora : Nevěřte milencům!
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