supposed to be a song but I´m not a songwriter
24.10.2009 1 1382(12) |
so am I just a hoax
my parents came up with?
or am I just the air
the birds fly through?
we can´t always be
who we want to
because we need someone
to accept that.
even if we say we don´t
we do.
I don´t understand our generation
but it´s kind of interesting.
and until we have whiskey
we don´t care.
and we´re not grown up, yet.
and we know that.
but we´re just looking for a fire exit.
and this is the easiest one.
the closest one.
sooner or later we´ll find out
there is more to live for
or maybe there is no reason.
but we have to find out on our own.
I bet you know that.
my parents came up with?
or am I just the air
the birds fly through?
we can´t always be
who we want to
because we need someone
to accept that.
even if we say we don´t
we do.
I don´t understand our generation
but it´s kind of interesting.
and until we have whiskey
we don´t care.
and we´re not grown up, yet.
and we know that.
but we´re just looking for a fire exit.
and this is the easiest one.
the closest one.
sooner or later we´ll find out
there is more to live for
or maybe there is no reason.
but we have to find out on our own.
I bet you know that.
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nase neni ja a oni : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : papírový kafe
Předchozí deník autora : eagles
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