06.11.2016 6 1201(16) 0 |
Is there still
any will
that I will
Fall in love
So I will
try to kill
all the fear
and stop to
That I dont need you,
cuz I do!
I need to fill
my heART
any will
that I will
Fall in love
So I will
try to kill
all the fear
and stop to
That I dont need you,
cuz I do!
I need to fill
my heART
07.11.2016 - 23:09
casa.de.locos: díky za komentář i gramatickou úpravu. Za psaním v angličtině se neskryvaji žádné pozy, proste me to napadlo, tak jsem to sepsala. Žádné postranní účinky. Gramatika je vec druha. Ale chybami se přece člověk učí, ne? :)
07.11.2016 - 20:47
K básni:
The name caught my attention and I was expecting puns and witty turns of phrase. I'm solely disappointed. The vocabulary is equivalent to repetitive pop songs (kill, will, fill, heart, fear, fall in love) with the exception of feign which isn't even grammatically correct (it should be 'stop feigning' because 'stop to feign' would mean 'stop in order to (start) feigning') and 'Is there still/any will/that..' just hurts me. There can be will to start doing something (with the gerund form of the verb) , but never 'will that' - not mentioning the fact that 'will' is kind of contextually off here, hope might suit the text better.
tl;dr please write in English when you know English as well as Czech and not because oyu want to be different or edgy - your Czech poetry is good, stick to it.
The name caught my attention and I was expecting puns and witty turns of phrase. I'm solely disappointed. The vocabulary is equivalent to repetitive pop songs (kill, will, fill, heart, fear, fall in love) with the exception of feign which isn't even grammatically correct (it should be 'stop feigning' because 'stop to feign' would mean 'stop in order to (start) feigning') and 'Is there still/any will/that..' just hurts me. There can be will to start doing something (with the gerund form of the verb) , but never 'will that' - not mentioning the fact that 'will' is kind of contextually off here, hope might suit the text better.
tl;dr please write in English when you know English as well as Czech and not because oyu want to be different or edgy - your Czech poetry is good, stick to it.
07.11.2016 - 20:36
kekebreke: což o to, básničky v cizích jazycích jsou fajn (ačkoli tady asi zrovna moc čtenářstva nenajdou), ale měly by být gramaticky správně, dávat smysl a dotyčný básník by měl mít nejméně stejnou úroveň v jazyce kterým píše jako ve své mateřštině
07.11.2016 - 16:40
nechápu, proč se sem rvou básničky v cizích jazycích. Předpokládám, že je to jen pro zvednutí ega, jiný význam v tom nevidím.
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
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