Opět anglicky. Inspirováno Dead Poets Society a jednou větou z Tipping the Velvet.
11.10.2015 1 1094(17) 0 |
take the fall,
foolish prophet of
immoral mortal dreams
drunk on beauty,
words (lascivious,
dripping from your toungue;
and sky one part cobalt
two parts payne's gray
take the fall, dreamer
reaching for the stars
with fragile blue fingers
transgressing your shell.
take the fall and sing,
o glorious, arrogant liar
of flying
in that moment in between
immense skies,
the tomb of earth ahead.
sing on the way,
legions at your heels
sing, wild with the chase
prey, victorious.
foolish prophet of
immoral mortal dreams
drunk on beauty,
words (lascivious,
dripping from your toungue;
and sky one part cobalt
two parts payne's gray
take the fall, dreamer
reaching for the stars
with fragile blue fingers
transgressing your shell.
take the fall and sing,
o glorious, arrogant liar
of flying
in that moment in between
immense skies,
the tomb of earth ahead.
sing on the way,
legions at your heels
sing, wild with the chase
prey, victorious.
Ze sbírky: disposable wolrd
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