reakce na rozchod
16.02.2013 5 1055(12) 0 |
When love fades away,
there's nothing you can do.
It flew one day
and you didn't know.
Although the breakup was explained
and talked through,
you cannot believe it,
it's gone, for good!
Lack of love and time
has killed the little dove.
Bleeding, crying, memories -
something wasn't right.
there's nothing you can do.
It flew one day
and you didn't know.
Although the breakup was explained
and talked through,
you cannot believe it,
it's gone, for good!
Lack of love and time
has killed the little dove.
Bleeding, crying, memories -
something wasn't right.
23.02.2013 - 22:11
Love is like knife with two blades,
it can heal and hurt,
memories are your end,
but you must stand,
or all will be lost.
it can heal and hurt,
memories are your end,
but you must stand,
or all will be lost.
17.02.2013 - 23:19
Vzheledem k tomu že jsem němčinář tak je to pro mne španělská ves:)
Googel a trochu fantazie. Pěkné
Googel a trochu fantazie. Pěkné
17.02.2013 - 22:10
asi by se to dalo přebásnit, ale nevím, jestli by se to líbilo... občas musím psát v tom jazyku, ve kterém mě to napadne... ale doufám, že to není těžká angličtina, přinejhorším slovník pomůže ;-)
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