Jakou pomstu si připravil padlý anděl za to, že byl zatracen? Křídlo za křídlo... /anglicky + slovní zásoba/ (Pozn.: Editováno v r. 2016.)
27.12.2007 2 4272(14) 0 |
* The Revenge Of An Fallen Angel *
The last feather in my hand...
And the suffering I couldn't stand...
My tears and blood all around...
My screaming sounded deep underground...
Turned me down for what I'd needed.
My broken heart, I couldn't heal it!
A cursed soul for what I'd desired.
My rage and hate won't ever be tired!
Hear my whisper breaking the silence.
Soon I will come and ask for a dance.
The dance of passion, touches of lust;
I want your white wings to turn into dust!
I'll spend this night with you my dear.
There's no escape and no time to fear.
I'll take your innocence and break your heart.
Dust of your wings, I'll blast it apart!
The last feather in your hand...
And the suffering you couldn't stand...
Your tears and blood all around...
Your screaming sounded deep underground...
/Pokud byste někdo objevil nějakou hrubku, napiště mi prosím vzkaz. Opravím. Děkuji./
The last feather in my hand...
And the suffering I couldn't stand...
My tears and blood all around...
My screaming sounded deep underground...
Turned me down for what I'd needed.
My broken heart, I couldn't heal it!
A cursed soul for what I'd desired.
My rage and hate won't ever be tired!
Hear my whisper breaking the silence.
Soon I will come and ask for a dance.
The dance of passion, touches of lust;
I want your white wings to turn into dust!
I'll spend this night with you my dear.
There's no escape and no time to fear.
I'll take your innocence and break your heart.
Dust of your wings, I'll blast it apart!
The last feather in your hand...
And the suffering you couldn't stand...
Your tears and blood all around...
Your screaming sounded deep underground...
/Pokud byste někdo objevil nějakou hrubku, napiště mi prosím vzkaz. Opravím. Děkuji./
Ze sbírky: * My English Poems *
28.05.2009 - 19:35
Neverending, forever searching, chaseing dream, the dreams of my heart.
Allways sleeping, allways asking, questions right of the stars.
Out beyond my new frontier. Playing God, wethout mercy wethout fear. Creast a beast a made my soul. Is it what the risk, war of got at man.
iron maiden - New frontier.
Allways sleeping, allways asking, questions right of the stars.
Out beyond my new frontier. Playing God, wethout mercy wethout fear. Creast a beast a made my soul. Is it what the risk, war of got at man.
iron maiden - New frontier.
29.12.2007 - 11:44
Tahle se mi líbí...;) je taková plynulá...byla by dobrým textem k písničce...;)
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
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