by Layla Rouge
12.10.2008 0 1109(12) |
. red telephone boxes
they talk to you
n´ you know they shouldn´t
but what if they are the only ones
you have to forget
. there is a homeless in the metro
nobody knows why
you give him fifty pences
to his hat
n´ metro comes right on time
anyway, you haven´t got anything
to rush for
so what is it
. maybe you come to the club
where the best rock stars
are born
today, maybe you´ll hear
a band, which can change
your whole world
n´ maybe you´ll change theirs
. gettin´ drunk with the guitarist
who knows how to do his guitar
your cigarettes
are also his
n´ you´re not goin´ home alone
. it was quite good night
but there was just one
n´ you knew it
they talk to you
n´ you know they shouldn´t
but what if they are the only ones
you have to forget
. there is a homeless in the metro
nobody knows why
you give him fifty pences
to his hat
n´ metro comes right on time
anyway, you haven´t got anything
to rush for
so what is it
. maybe you come to the club
where the best rock stars
are born
today, maybe you´ll hear
a band, which can change
your whole world
n´ maybe you´ll change theirs
. gettin´ drunk with the guitarist
who knows how to do his guitar
your cigarettes
are also his
n´ you´re not goin´ home alone
. it was quite good night
but there was just one
n´ you knew it
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
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