04.05.2020 0 928(8) |
all the blood-stained tissues
forgotten under the pillows
and bruises I swear
I have no idea how I got
keep me company
(when the days are long.)
how can you be so lonely
when all the cells in your body
are working so hard to keep you alive?
sometimes all you can do not to fall apart is
plant another flower
and take your mother for a walk.
forgotten under the pillows
and bruises I swear
I have no idea how I got
keep me company
(when the days are long.)
how can you be so lonely
when all the cells in your body
are working so hard to keep you alive?
sometimes all you can do not to fall apart is
plant another flower
and take your mother for a walk.
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
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cracked lips : trvalý odkaz
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