19.11.2015 1 1185(6) |
my name rolls off her tongue
into the half shaped abyss of 2 am
around us
the morning star, she laughs
and pulls me close
my name rolls off her tongue
like a command of thousand
thunderous shots (fire!)
and stained hands scratch the backs
of all the tomorrows to come
my name rolls off her tongue
like the calling of the waves
to the wandering soul
and i fall, silent
my name drips from her mouth
like honey dark as coal
and i swallow around hers
choking on the bitter, festered love
that cannot pass my lips
fighting back the urge
as my name rolls off her tongue
ringing and searing and true
as she leans in and does
what only lovers do.
into the half shaped abyss of 2 am
around us
the morning star, she laughs
and pulls me close
my name rolls off her tongue
like a command of thousand
thunderous shots (fire!)
and stained hands scratch the backs
of all the tomorrows to come
my name rolls off her tongue
like the calling of the waves
to the wandering soul
and i fall, silent
my name drips from her mouth
like honey dark as coal
and i swallow around hers
choking on the bitter, festered love
that cannot pass my lips
fighting back the urge
as my name rolls off her tongue
ringing and searing and true
as she leans in and does
what only lovers do.
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lux : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : pomeranč v čaji usušen//i denounce dandies
Předchozí deník autora : o stesku
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Nikytu řekla o Amadeo´´ :Líbí se mi, s jakou lehkostí umí v básních vykreslit své myšlenky a pocity. Navštěvuji ráda. :)