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přidáno 23.08.2013
The truly true truth

Don't be afraid
To mention the truth
Have you thrown it away
I hope you did not
Truth is beauty
Lie is awful
Say it loudly
Make it proper
As truly as truth can be
You should have tutored me
Now, tell me truth
Tell me why
Why was I crucified
Did that have to be shown
If that's not true at all
O my dear, it did
There's truth a little bit
A little truth, a bigger smile
Keep looking at the sky
Try it and you'll know
Let the truth simply flow
Maybe there's enough truth
Enough truth for us both
Make it boil in a golden bowl
Believing that it's right
You'll settle down near seaside
Many places to hide
Inbetween your eyes
And trust the shining of the stars
Let the truth surround us

O dear would you ever
Think that we're not together
I know me either

Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
The truly true truth : trvalý odkaz

Následující deník autora : Valerie Bláhová
Předchozí deník autora : Valéri Moreau

» narozeniny
Angelon [17], Zoe [14], Vavrys [13], Jaruska [12], Deer [10], Leonn [3], Dalmet [3], rebarbora [2]
» řekli o sobě
Severak řekl o Dívka v modrém :
taková legendární pokémonka. Byl jsem na ní docela zvědavý co je zač, pak jsem se s ní potkal jenom jednou skoro doslova jen z rychlíku.

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