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komentáře k dílům uživatele :
21.01.2016 - 21:20
I have to disagree with Zam here, as I did actually read this, even though I certainly did not study English for decades. But she is right about the lenght - it's unnecessary. Merely talking about unrequited love for over 10 stanzas is quite boring. Besides, I can't really see the poetry in this - some of the phrases are really clumsy, there are typos, apostrophes missing and the vocabulary is dreadfuly ordinary. Don't write in English because you feel the need to be fancy or because love sounds better to you than láska, especially if you do not have a very sure grasp of the language. It is impossible to express oneself through means one does not fully control (which is why I never write haikus in Japanese - they'd be clumsy and embarassing). By all means, write, refine your poetry - but refine also your English skills before you attempt to bring the language into your poetry.
22.01.2015 - 19:05
Obávam se, že ani ti z nás, co měli AJ desítky let, si tohle nepřečtou - je to příliš dlouhé a chtělo by to i překladovou variantu. Pokud chceš relevantní odezvu, musíš tady s tím počítat. To je jako kdybych jsem vložila arabskou báseň bez překladu - na což se chystám :-D Ale bude v obou variantách.
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