33, žena
komentáře uživatele :
06.03.2016 - 21:19
casa.de.locos: Haha, You got a point. However, it is up to me what I want to share with whom, right?
I hope you will read another pieces as well, your opinion is welcomed anyway.
I hope you will read another pieces as well, your opinion is welcomed anyway.
06.03.2016 - 20:30
casa.de.locos: Thank you for your opinion.
I would not normally react in some sort of defence but since you mentioned the line 'world not anymore black and white' I feel the need to explain it further.
I used fronting for this particular line - thus it means that the line is grammatical.
And to be fair, I admit that in certain parts grammar truly howls from the lack of the proper english structure. Mainly because I use stream of consciousness to create and write. Therefore my inner monologue is narrated in czech state of mind :)
I would not normally react in some sort of defence but since you mentioned the line 'world not anymore black and white' I feel the need to explain it further.
I used fronting for this particular line - thus it means that the line is grammatical.
And to be fair, I admit that in certain parts grammar truly howls from the lack of the proper english structure. Mainly because I use stream of consciousness to create and write. Therefore my inner monologue is narrated in czech state of mind :)
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