27.06.2009 0 1462(5) 0 |
My look in the mirror is scaryin' me
In another place I want to be
An apologize in my heart
Is still waiting to tear me apart
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
But I can't just let you go
And if you can... I don't know
You are talking when you're mute
Your blue eyes betraying you
They can say everything
But can’t stop my heart bleeding
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
We'll have chance to say: "Don't lie"
Our emotions will signify
Maybe in other life I cannot see
The deepest sorrow inside me
And the doubt of relationship
So I must go to the longest trip
To new life I have to go
I'll be happy, I think so
So goodbye my best friend
I am waiting for my end
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
We'll have chance to say: "Don't lie"
Our emotions will signify
In another place I want to be
An apologize in my heart
Is still waiting to tear me apart
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
But I can't just let you go
And if you can... I don't know
You are talking when you're mute
Your blue eyes betraying you
They can say everything
But can’t stop my heart bleeding
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
We'll have chance to say: "Don't lie"
Our emotions will signify
Maybe in other life I cannot see
The deepest sorrow inside me
And the doubt of relationship
So I must go to the longest trip
To new life I have to go
I'll be happy, I think so
So goodbye my best friend
I am waiting for my end
Maybe in other life we'll meet
We will talk another speech
We'll have chance to say: "Don't lie"
Our emotions will signify
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Následující dílo autora : Déja vu
Předchozí dílo autora : Rakev na klíčence
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