08.10.2024 4 91(12) 0 |
You suffer
it is so painful,
Keep the gate of pain,
Keep it closed,
As long as you can.
Show us how strong you can be,
You feel what means the slavery.
Hold the line as long as you can,
And then…
The power of pain,
Shows you,
The true.
Good morning,
welcomes you.
it is so painful,
Keep the gate of pain,
Keep it closed,
As long as you can.
Show us how strong you can be,
You feel what means the slavery.
Hold the line as long as you can,
And then…
The power of pain,
Shows you,
The true.
Good morning,
welcomes you.
The gate of pain : trvalý odkaz | tisk | RSS komentářů
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