01.12.2022 372(7) 0 |
do písničky
People said to me that I look like grown up
but I am just twenty-five
and I feel more then ever, that what i need is to slow up
and someone stable by me side
my therapist told me, that I am looking well,
but meanwhile i feel like I still live in hell
and please dont tell me, ,,i want to be like you"
you have already things sorted out
becouse meanwhile i dont even know basics,
to live with or without
so please tell me, what it means to be
man, when i dont want to.
People said to me that I look like grown up
but I am just twenty-five
and I feel more then ever, that what i need is to slow up
and someone stable by me side
my therapist told me, that I am looking well,
but meanwhile i feel like I still live in hell
and please dont tell me, ,,i want to be like you"
you have already things sorted out
becouse meanwhile i dont even know basics,
to live with or without
so please tell me, what it means to be
man, when i dont want to.
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