Takový to klišéééé, zkusmo v angličtině...
26.04.2022 1 457(11) 0 |
The war is bad,
My heart is sad,
The world started to be mad,
Nice time we already had,
All around we hear the lies,
Here is one and there another flyes,
We are all little mice,
And the cat makes us all cries,
I see the snake,
I see people in shake,
There`s no way to escape,
Man`s live is like cake to take,
It`s all over,
The man`s ship fall out of the sky,
Broken by snake`s poison,
Anyway the hope never die,
And the man stay alive.
My heart is sad,
The world started to be mad,
Nice time we already had,
All around we hear the lies,
Here is one and there another flyes,
We are all little mice,
And the cat makes us all cries,
I see the snake,
I see people in shake,
There`s no way to escape,
Man`s live is like cake to take,
It`s all over,
The man`s ship fall out of the sky,
Broken by snake`s poison,
Anyway the hope never die,
And the man stay alive.
Man`s hope : trvalý odkaz | tisk | RSS komentářů
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