anglická verze
23.05.2016 4 1161(21) 0 |
only the clouds are left here white,
above your bloody crimson back -
sky turning purple, not yet black.
painted nails and twilight shadows,
and the ones that hide your eyes,
foreign shoulders, foreign guilt,
the fake cathedrals that you’ve built,
a pierced lip and a two hour’s rest,
an ace bandage covered chest -
the weight of metal on your tongue
and all the words that barely stung
only the clouds are left here, white,
and staying alive out of spite
above your bloody crimson back -
sky turning purple, not yet black.
painted nails and twilight shadows,
and the ones that hide your eyes,
foreign shoulders, foreign guilt,
the fake cathedrals that you’ve built,
a pierced lip and a two hour’s rest,
an ace bandage covered chest -
the weight of metal on your tongue
and all the words that barely stung
only the clouds are left here, white,
and staying alive out of spite
Ze sbírky: disposable wolrd
24.05.2016 - 22:16
Homér: Kdybys to mermomocí chtěl překládat, tak jo. A tahle pro změnu o gayovi je.
24.05.2016 - 22:15
ježek: Nepovídej. Česky je to tady
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