(part on series my weird hobbies)
23.11.2015 9 886(22) 0 |
it's dark night
late evening
about nazis
i am reading
late evening
about nazis
i am reading
09.04.2016 - 13:29
Hitler would agree. Eh, sorry, it's really good, I like the way how you can make the words rhyme, even if there are just few of them.
25.11.2015 - 10:17
casa.de.locos: Your comment is great! I am even thinking about translation of some of my short works to English to get such wonderful comments.
24.11.2015 - 12:09
Orionka: v čem to zkoušení spočívá? :-D
(nedělám nic horšího než novináři, pokud myslíš zavádějící titulky)
(nedělám nic horšího než novináři, pokud myslíš zavádějící titulky)
23.11.2015 - 23:40
hele, normální večerní zábava :-)
a tak rychlá inspirace že šla báseň z hlavy hned na klávesnici
a tak rychlá inspirace že šla báseň z hlavy hned na klávesnici
23.11.2015 - 23:31
i quite like it, even though it's really short and simple. it reminds me of haiku somehow, evokes a feeling that a lot can be said through such few words and a singular image. (peaceful modern person, safely behind the barrier of his windows and doors, protected from the horrors that lurk outside, reading about other people being monstrously human.) it's also weirdly reminiscent of lovecraftian stories, i have no idea why, maybe it's because of the oxymoronic dark night/late evening combination that i find similar to one theme in his piece a name of which i really can't recall.)
nazis are not my favourite bedtime story, but whatever strikes your fancy.
why is it in english tho?
nazis are not my favourite bedtime story, but whatever strikes your fancy.
why is it in english tho?
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