05.04.2013 1 971(6) 0 |
Not a real ideal,
just living through, and do shit.
Life is not a big deal
for him, so he doesn't care a bit.
Lazy - stupid, or how other can see him,
never been smart, never been good.
Never tried to get better, always been grim.
Now he's looking for his right branch in the wood.
'Cause that's the way he is.
If only he would like to change,
he could, but there's nothing, what he'd miss,
so he's crying alone on a bench,
trying not to live, but too scared to take his life
and start to live the life he would like to live.
Maybe a gun, maybe a knife,
maybe a rope, will tell him, that his live was brief.
just living through, and do shit.
Life is not a big deal
for him, so he doesn't care a bit.
Lazy - stupid, or how other can see him,
never been smart, never been good.
Never tried to get better, always been grim.
Now he's looking for his right branch in the wood.
'Cause that's the way he is.
If only he would like to change,
he could, but there's nothing, what he'd miss,
so he's crying alone on a bench,
trying not to live, but too scared to take his life
and start to live the life he would like to live.
Maybe a gun, maybe a knife,
maybe a rope, will tell him, that his live was brief.
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