22.05.2018 6 1336(11) |
my feelings
what i fear the most
the nights between
sunday and monday
when you come sneaking
to our bed at 5
and i leave our flat
at six
upcycling the ash
from bare panels
and old red coats
upcycling myself
year by year
there's less left
the core is more broken
when do i become nothing?
antique chinese vase
upcycling tears
turning them into
drinkable fluid
its your last hope
in the middle of a desert
spiders that have
made their webs
out of my neuron synapses
a bridge between
what is told to be astral
and my own physical
they are insane
ain't they
my feelings
what i fear the most
the nights between
sunday and monday
when you come sneaking
to our bed at 5
and i leave our flat
at six
upcycling the ash
from bare panels
and old red coats
upcycling myself
year by year
there's less left
the core is more broken
when do i become nothing?
antique chinese vase
upcycling tears
turning them into
drinkable fluid
its your last hope
in the middle of a desert
spiders that have
made their webs
out of my neuron synapses
a bridge between
what is told to be astral
and my own physical
they are insane
ain't they
26.05.2018 - 16:27
...spiders in my brain eating fairies of my thoughts... That’s what I got from it ... creepy / but good to here you talk again :-)
24.05.2018 - 15:58
NoWiš: well im glad then.:) at least you're getting something from it
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upcycle : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : psodravci
Předchozí deník autora : zase automaticky
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