19.03.2016 0 502(5) |
1. the possibility of definition of own self is rendered impossible by the lack of definition of /a/ self
2. the cat's consciousness determines whether it is dead or alive even inside the box, because it's independent on the consciousness of others
3. the workings of consciousness itself can be influenced by outside factors, yet the existence of it can't
4. the consciousness can know itself at any given moment but can't make sure future predictions
5. identity fluctuates over time
6. the existence of a stable identity other than the set of factors defining consciousness can't be proven or disproven
2. the cat's consciousness determines whether it is dead or alive even inside the box, because it's independent on the consciousness of others
3. the workings of consciousness itself can be influenced by outside factors, yet the existence of it can't
4. the consciousness can know itself at any given moment but can't make sure future predictions
5. identity fluctuates over time
6. the existence of a stable identity other than the set of factors defining consciousness can't be proven or disproven
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