20.02.2018 0 842(9) 0 |
you said
you're not adding me
into your "collection"
like an exotic butterfly
and it's still just an affection
don't you lie
but look at me
i'd like to swim
in the blood of men i've drained
like a vampire
and i win
this game
you'd like to contour my soul?
but what if i don't have one?
look at mahler, what she's done
all these artists, poets,
brains i'd like to know
i'm a sapiophile after all
maybe one day
you'll see every mark
and every scar on my skin
you'll se what lays within
you'll see i'm not as dark
as the memories
i got stuck in
you're not adding me
into your "collection"
like an exotic butterfly
and it's still just an affection
don't you lie
but look at me
i'd like to swim
in the blood of men i've drained
like a vampire
and i win
this game
you'd like to contour my soul?
but what if i don't have one?
look at mahler, what she's done
all these artists, poets,
brains i'd like to know
i'm a sapiophile after all
maybe one day
you'll see every mark
and every scar on my skin
you'll se what lays within
you'll see i'm not as dark
as the memories
i got stuck in
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
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