Krátká skladbička jen tak pro odreagování ;)
04.10.2013 0 985(5) 0 |
When I came back from the dark,
noboby knows what the price,
that you can come through the hell,
and I will never tell.
When I look on my in mirrors,
I see only one more ghosts.
Im not here Im not there
wasnt it better in hell?
Be the sevrant of dead,
cathed in prison how a pet,
clothes wet of sweat,
and only one old bed.
Thats not the live which i want to live,
I will be free how a bird and fly,
that is not the world we had it burnt,
so let me turn it down .
So I break the rules,
Im not a slave,
look in face of dead,
I had to be brave.
noboby knows what the price,
that you can come through the hell,
and I will never tell.
When I look on my in mirrors,
I see only one more ghosts.
Im not here Im not there
wasnt it better in hell?
Be the sevrant of dead,
cathed in prison how a pet,
clothes wet of sweat,
and only one old bed.
Thats not the live which i want to live,
I will be free how a bird and fly,
that is not the world we had it burnt,
so let me turn it down .
So I break the rules,
Im not a slave,
look in face of dead,
I had to be brave.
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
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