14.07.2022 0 524(7) |
to fall into deep water
and sink
all my life i am swimming
treading the surface
the cave underneath far and distant
always there
cold and vast
(almost inviting in the heat
of summer)
the blue hole
lake baikal
to you who have never braved from the shallows
how do i explain the call
it is not falling
(sudden crash and over
a shock of brokenness
a blink)
but a dive
a sinking
home is the company of eyeless fish
who never dream of sunlight
and sink
all my life i am swimming
treading the surface
the cave underneath far and distant
always there
cold and vast
(almost inviting in the heat
of summer)
the blue hole
lake baikal
to you who have never braved from the shallows
how do i explain the call
it is not falling
(sudden crash and over
a shock of brokenness
a blink)
but a dive
a sinking
home is the company of eyeless fish
who never dream of sunlight
Ještě nikdo nekomentoval.
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
challenger deep : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : that's it that's the poem
Předchozí deník autora : kos
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