neumim česky
10.04.2018 2 671(7) |
sunsets on Mars are blue, instagram told me. i watch the horizon set aflame. i watch my shadow on the white wall: it is blue. the wall is no longer white, but burning, too.
it is but a split second in which everything burns, and maybe, maybe i wish to burn with it, and maybe i do, but really, who am i to tell?
the white tiles are cold underneath my feet. the air is cold around me, too. the horizon keeps on burning. i do not fling myself off of the balcony.
it is but a split second in which everything burns, and maybe, maybe i wish to burn with it, and maybe i do, but really, who am i to tell?
the white tiles are cold underneath my feet. the air is cold around me, too. the horizon keeps on burning. i do not fling myself off of the balcony.
i have 17 days to call this a teenage angst : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : jsem narcis
Předchozí deník autora : bordel v tvým pokoji / bordel v tvý hlavě
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