to my mysterious american suicidal guitar alterego
23.01.2008 2 1500(12) |
One day, for that one day
I'd give back all what I've said
In that one day
wanna feel you
but now I feel your hate
Don't forget and I'll stay in silence
Try to see
only my
hopeful rays
for one day
in my life
Please just stay
One day, for that one day
I'd let down
the world and time
In that one day
wanna see you
but now I'm like the blind
Don't forget and I'll stay in silence
Try to stay
heal the scar
in my heart
for one day
the new start
Please just stay
One day, for that one day, for that one true day...
One day, for that one day...
Please don't blow away...
I'd give back all what I've said
In that one day
wanna feel you
but now I feel your hate
Don't forget and I'll stay in silence
Try to see
only my
hopeful rays
for one day
in my life
Please just stay
One day, for that one day
I'd let down
the world and time
In that one day
wanna see you
but now I'm like the blind
Don't forget and I'll stay in silence
Try to stay
heal the scar
in my heart
for one day
the new start
Please just stay
One day, for that one day, for that one true day...
One day, for that one day...
Please don't blow away...
23.01.2008 - 22:30
no... jestli se to vubec do konce dotahne..:) ale snad jo...:) asi to bude chvili trvat...
23.01.2008 - 22:22
Až dotáhneš ten klavírní doprovod, tak doufám, že mi dáš noty;-) Kdo by do tebe řekl takovou anglickou báseň:-)
Pokud chcete vložit komentář, musíte se přihlásit.
One day : trvalý odkaz
Následující deník autora : Drama o dvou hercích
Předchozí deník autora : Barevnej sníh
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