přidáno 03.10.2009
all the things we missed
didn´t have time for
time passing around
while we were standing
in the rain
all the feelings and thoughts
passing through ourselves
in the night.
did you cry
(because) the lady standing in
the highest window was
she was missing all her youth
which we have lost
on that day.
we grew up and we tried
so hard
not to.

the birds remind us of what
we can never be
free and trying to survive.
the city watching every movement
of each of us.
the birds fly up to the sky
and we still stand on the ground
looking for every bridge
where we could imagine
how it feels
to fly.

{don´t cry if all the memories come back to you, don´t cry, just take them as they come and smile, because it´s what makes your life real. I did become real when I wrote this one. when I realized I can´t put it together with the chords because that is your part, or it used to be.}

L a y l a *
přidáno 11.10.2009 - 14:26
the birds remind us of what
we can never be
free and trying to survive.

a ten konec... boze muj...
don´t cry, just take them as they come and smile, because it´s what makes your life real.

tolik pravdy. tolik krasnejch slov.

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to fly : trvalý odkaz

Následující deník autora : vzduch, už žádný kafe.
Předchozí deník autora : birds. muj novej zajem

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» řekli o sobě
Yana řekla o kmotrov :
Jeho nadšení pro věc je tak nakažlivé, jeho projev je tak moudrý a tak plný života, že jsem hrdá na to, že znám kmotrova a že jsme si blízcí, je to pro mě pocta, znám kmotrova- tak zatichlého a tak hlasitého, plného inspirace a bohémského ducha, jo, a je strašně milé když se z něčeho raduje a směje se

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