36, muž, Praha
Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see, when there ain't nothin in sight?
Why am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try?
Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to die?
ICQ: 246-642-152
..chceš napsat? tak napiš..
..nemáš zájem? nikdo Tě nenutí..
Why am I trying to see, when there ain't nothin in sight?
Why am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try?
Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to die?
ICQ: 246-642-152
..chceš napsat? tak napiš..
..nemáš zájem? nikdo Tě nenutí..
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